How to Disable Mods in Civilization 6: A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you an avid Civilization 6 player who loves to experiment with different mods? While mods can enhance your gaming experience, there may be times

Nathan Gelber

how to disable mods civ 6
how to disable mods civ 6

Are you an avid Civilization 6 player who loves to experiment with different mods? While mods can enhance your gaming experience, there may be times when you want to disable them to go back to the original game. Whether you’re experiencing compatibility issues or simply want to switch things up, this comprehensive guide will walk you through the process of disabling mods in Civilization 6.

Before we delve into the details, let’s make sure we’re on the same page about “how to disable mods civ 6.” Disabling mods refers to the action of turning off or deactivating modifications that you have previously installed in the game. This allows you to return to the vanilla version of Civilization 6, free from any alterations made by mods.

Accessing the Mod Menu

Summary: Learn how to navigate to the mod menu in Civilization 6 to manage your installed mods.

To begin disabling mods in Civilization 6, you first need to access the mod menu within the game. Follow these steps:

Step 1: Launch Civilization 6

Start by launching Civilization 6 on your preferred gaming platform, whether it’s PC, Mac, or console.

Step 2: Open the Main Menu

Once the game is launched, navigate to the main menu by clicking on the appropriate button or selecting “Main Menu” from the in-game options.

Step 3: Select the “Mods” Option

In the main menu, you should see an option labeled “Mods.” Click on this option to access the mod menu.

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Step 4: View Installed Mods

After entering the mod menu, you will see a list of all your currently installed mods. This is where you can manage and disable mods as needed.

Disabling Mods in the Mod Menu

Summary: Step-by-step instructions on how to disable specific mods within the mod menu.

Once you have accessed the mod menu, disabling specific mods is a straightforward process. Follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the Mod to Disable

Review the list of installed mods in the mod menu and identify the mod you wish to disable. Take note of the mod’s name or any relevant information that helps you distinguish it from others.

Step 2: Disable the Mod

Next, select the mod you want to disable from the list. Look for an option or button that allows you to disable the mod, such as a toggle switch or a checkbox. Click on this option to turn off the mod.

Step 3: Confirm the Disablement

Some mod menus may require you to confirm your action before disabling the mod. If prompted, confirm your choice to disable the mod.

Step 4: Restart the Game

In some cases, you may need to restart Civilization 6 for the changes to take effect. Close the mod menu and restart the game to ensure that the mod you disabled is no longer active.

Removing Mods from the Mod Folder

Summary: Find out how to manually remove mods from the mod folder to disable them.

If you prefer a more hands-on approach, you can manually remove mods from the mod folder to disable them. Here’s how:

Step 1: Locate the Mod Folder

First, you need to locate the mod folder on your computer. The mod folder is typically found in the game’s installation directory or in your user documents folder. Look for a folder labeled “Mods” or “Modding.”

Step 2: Open the Mod Folder

Once you’ve found the mod folder, open it to view its contents. You should see a list of all the mods you have installed in Civilization 6.

Step 3: Identify the Mod Files

Identify the mod files associated with the mod you want to disable. These files may have the same name as the mod or have a similar naming convention.

Step 4: Delete the Mod Files

Select the mod files you wish to disable and delete them from the mod folder. You can either right-click on the files and select “Delete” or drag them to the trash bin or recycle bin.

Step 5: Restart the Game

After deleting the mod files, restart Civilization 6 to ensure that the mods are no longer active. The game should now be back to its original state without the disabled mods.

Using Steam Workshop to Disable Mods

Summary: Discover how to use Steam Workshop to disable mods and revert to the original game.

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If you installed your mods through Steam Workshop, you can use the platform itself to disable them. Follow these steps:

Step 1: Launch Steam

Start by launching the Steam application on your computer.

Step 2: Open the Steam Workshop

In the Steam application, navigate to the “Community” tab and select “Workshop” from the dropdown menu. This will open the Steam Workshop.

Step 3: Access Your Subscribed Items

In the Steam Workshop, click on the “Your Files” button or navigate to the “Subscribed Items” section. This will display a list of all the mods you have subscribed to.

Step 4: Unsubscribe from Mods

Locate the mod you wish to disable and click on the “Unsubscribe” button next to it. This action will unsubscribe you from the mod, effectively disabling it.

Step 5: Restart Civilization 6

After unsubscribing from the mods, close the Steam Workshop and restart Civilization 6. The game should now be free from the previously disabled mods.

Troubleshooting Mod Disabling Issues

Summary: Address common problems that may arise when attempting to disable mods, and their possible solutions.

While disabling mods is usually a straightforward process, you may encounter some issues along the way. Here are some common problems and their possible solutions:

Issue 1: Mods Not Showing in the Mod Menu

If you cannot see your installed mods in the mod menu, ensure that you have correctly installed them in the appropriate folder. Check that the mods are compatible with your version of Civilization 6 and that they are not conflicting with each other.

Issue 2: Mods Cannot Be Disabled

If you are unable to disable a mod through the mod menu, try manually removing the mod files from the mod folder as described earlier. This method bypasses any potential issues with the mod menu itself.

Issue 3: Disabling Mods Causes Game Crashes

If disabling mods leads to game crashes or instability, it could be a sign of compatibility issues between the mods and the game. Consider removing all mods and reinstalling them one by one to identify the problematic mod.

Issue 4: Mods Re-Enable Automatically

In some cases, mods may re-enable themselves after restarting the game. Double-check that you have followed the correct disabling method, and ensure that the mod files have been properly removed from the mod folder.

Re-enabling Disabled Mods

Summary: Learn how to enable previously disabled mods and resume your modified gameplay.

If you decide to re-enable disabled mods in Civilization 6, the process is relatively simple. Follow these steps:

Step 1: Access the Mod Menu

Open Civilization 6 and navigate to the mod menu, following the steps outlined earlier in this guide.

Step 2: Enable the Mod

In the mod menu, locate the previously disabled mod you wish to re-enable. Look for an option or button that allows you to enable the mod, such as a toggle switch or a checkbox. Click on this option to turn on the mod.

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Step 3: Restart the Game

After enabling the mod, close the mod menu and restart Civilization 6. The game should now include the re-enabled mod, allowing you to enjoy your modified gameplay once again.

Uninstalling Mods Completely

Summary: Understand the process of completely uninstalling mods, removing all traces from your game.

If you no longer wish to keep any mods installed in Civilization 6, you can uninstall them completely. Follow these steps:

Step 1: Access the Mod Menu

Open Civilization 6 and navigate to the mod menu using the steps mentioned earlier.

Step 2: Disable All Mods

In the mod menu, disable all the mods you currently have installed. Follow the instructions provided earlier in this guide to disable mods individually or disable them all at once.

Step 3: Remove Mod Files

Manually remove all mod files from the mod folder on your computer. Refer to

Backing up Mods for Future Use

Summary: Discover how to create a backup of your mods, ensuring that you can easily re-install them later.

If you want to preserve your mods for future use or share them with others, it’s a good idea to create a backup. Here’s how you can do it:

Step 1: Locate the Mod Files

Find the mod files in the mod folder on your computer, as mentioned before. These files are usually in a compressed format, such as a .zip or .rar file.

Step 2: Create a New Folder

Create a new folder on your computer to store the backup files. Give the folder a descriptive name to easily identify it later.

Step 3: Copy the Mod Files

Copy the mod files from the mod folder and paste them into the newly created folder. Make sure to maintain the file structure to ensure the mods work correctly when re-installed.

Step 4: Compress the Folder

To save space and make it easier to share, compress the folder containing the backup files. Right-click on the folder, select “Send to,” and choose the option to compress it. This will create a compressed file, such as a .zip or .rar file.

Step 5: Store the Backup

Store the compressed backup file in a safe location, such as an external hard drive, cloud storage service, or a dedicated backup folder on your computer. This way, you can easily retrieve it whenever needed.

Benefits of Disabling Mods

Summary: Explore the advantages of disabling mods, including improved game stability and access to official updates.

Disabling mods in Civilization 6 offers several benefits that can enhance your gaming experience. Here are some advantages of disabling mods:

Improved Game Stability

Mods can sometimes introduce compatibility issues or conflicts that lead to game crashes or instability. By disabling mods, you can restore the game to its original state and enjoy a more stable and reliable gaming experience.

Access to Official Updates

Mod developers may not always update their mods to be compatible with the latest game updates or expansions. Disabling mods allows you to access official updates and new content released by the game developers without any hindrance.

Easier Troubleshooting

If you encounter any issues or bugs while playing Civilization 6, disabling mods can help isolate the problem. By removing mods, you can determine whether the issue lies with the base game or any specific modification.

Preserving Game Balance

Some mods may alter gameplay mechanics, introduce new features, or provide advantages that can disrupt the game’s balance. Disabling mods ensures that you play the game as the developers intended, maintaining a fair and balanced experience.

Exploring Vanilla Gameplay

Disabling mods allows you to experience the original vanilla gameplay of Civilization 6. This can be particularly enjoyable if you want to revisit the core mechanics, strategies, and challenges that the game offers without any modifications.

In conclusion, disabling mods in Civilization 6 is a simple yet effective way to manage your gaming experience. Whether you want to troubleshoot compatibility issues, access official updates, or explore the game in its original form, this guide has provided you with the necessary steps to disable mods using various methods. Remember to backup your mods, and enjoy the best of both modded and vanilla gameplay in Civilization 6!

Nathan Gelber

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