How to Export SVG from Photoshop: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you looking to export SVG files from Photoshop but unsure of the best approach? Look no further! In this article, we will provide you

Nathan Gelber

how to export svg from photoshop
how to export svg from photoshop

Are you looking to export SVG files from Photoshop but unsure of the best approach? Look no further! In this article, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to export SVG from Photoshop, ensuring that you have all the necessary information to create high-quality vector graphics effortlessly.

SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) is a popular file format that allows you to create and display vector-based graphics. It is widely used in web design, digital illustrations, and animations due to its scalability and compatibility with various devices and browsers. By exporting SVG files from Photoshop, you can retain all the vector information and edit them easily in other software.

Understanding the SVG Format

In this section, we will delve into the essential aspects of the SVG format, including its advantages, compatibility, and limitations. Understanding the basics will help you make informed decisions while exporting SVG files from Photoshop.

The Advantages of SVG

SVG offers several advantages over other image formats. Firstly, SVG files are scalable, meaning they can be resized without losing quality. This makes them ideal for responsive web design and high-resolution displays. Additionally, SVG files are lightweight, resulting in faster load times for web pages. They also support interactive elements and animations, allowing for engaging user experiences.

Compatibility of SVG

SVG files are widely supported by modern web browsers, making them accessible across different platforms and devices. They are compatible with popular design software, including Adobe Illustrator and Inkscape, enabling seamless editing and integration into various workflows.

Limitations of SVG

While SVG has numerous advantages, it also has some limitations to be aware of. One limitation is the lack of support for certain advanced Photoshop features, such as layer styles and filters. These effects may need to be simplified or recreated manually when exporting to SVG. Additionally, SVG files can become complex and result in larger file sizes if not optimized properly, potentially affecting performance.

Configuring Your Photoshop Workspace

Before exporting SVG files, it is crucial to set up your Photoshop workspace properly. This section will guide you through the necessary configurations, ensuring that you have the ideal environment for exporting SVGs efficiently.

Setting Up the Artboard

The artboard in Photoshop determines the dimensions and boundaries of your artwork. To configure the artboard for SVG export, go to the “File” menu, select “New,” and choose the desired dimensions. Ensure that the artboard size matches your intended SVG dimensions to avoid unnecessary cropping or resizing during export.

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Choosing the Right Color Mode

When working with SVG files, it is essential to use the RGB color mode in Photoshop. SVG files primarily display colors using RGB values, and using other color modes may result in inaccurate color representation when exporting to SVG.

Organizing Layers and Groups

Properly organizing your layers and groups in Photoshop will make exporting SVG files more efficient and manageable. Use descriptive names for your layers and group related elements together. This will help maintain the structure and hierarchy of your artwork during export.

Preparing Your Artwork for Export

Preparing your artwork appropriately is crucial to ensure optimal results when exporting to the SVG format. In this section, we will explore various techniques and best practices to follow, including organizing layers, adjusting artboard sizes, and optimizing vector objects.

Organizing Layers for SVG Export

Before exporting to SVG, it is essential to organize your layers properly. Group related elements together and use clear naming conventions to maintain clarity and ease of editing. This will ensure that your SVG files are structured and easily understood when opened in other software.

Adjusting Artboard Sizes for SVG Export

To ensure that your exported SVG files have the correct dimensions, it is crucial to adjust the artboard size in Photoshop. Double-check the required dimensions for your SVG and modify the artboard accordingly. This will prevent unnecessary cropping or resizing of your artwork during export.

Optimizing Vector Objects for SVG Export

When exporting to SVG, it is important to optimize your vector objects for optimal file size and performance. Simplify complex shapes by reducing anchor points and eliminating unnecessary details. This will result in smaller file sizes and faster loading times for your SVG graphics.

Exporting SVG with Native Photoshop Features

Did you know that Photoshop offers built-in features for exporting SVG files? In this section, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of using Photoshop’s native tools to export your artwork as SVG, along with tips to enhance the export quality.

Exporting SVG from Photoshop

To export your artwork as an SVG file in Photoshop, navigate to the “File” menu and select “Export” followed by “Export As.” In the export dialog, choose SVG as the file format and specify the destination folder. Adjust any additional export settings, such as the SVG version and CSS options, to meet your requirements. Finally, click “Export” to generate the SVG file.

Tips for Enhancing SVG Export Quality

To ensure the best quality when exporting SVG from Photoshop, consider the following tips:

1. Choose the appropriate SVG version:

Depending on your target audience and platform, select the SVG version that best suits your needs. Newer versions offer additional features and capabilities, but may not be fully supported by older software or browsers.

2. Optimize SVG code:

After exporting, you can manually optimize the SVG code to reduce file size and improve performance. Remove any unnecessary attributes or elements and simplify complex paths and shapes. Various online tools and text editors can assist in optimizing SVG code.

3. Embed fonts and images:

If your SVG file includes custom fonts or linked images, consider embedding them to ensure proper display and portability. This will ensure that the SVG file retains its visual integrity when opened on different devices or software.

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Utilizing Plugins for SVG Export

For users seeking additional flexibility and advanced export options, plugins can be a game-changer. This section will introduce you to some popular plugins specifically designed for exporting SVG files from Photoshop, along with detailed instructions on their usage.

Plugin 1: SVG Export Plugin

The SVG Export Plugin is a popular choice among designers for seamless SVG export from Photoshop. It offers a range of customization options, including the ability to export specific layers or groups, define SVG attributes, and optimize the exported file size. To use this plugin, simply install it, select the desired layers or groups, and choose the SVG export options from the plugin’s panel.

Plugin 2: SVG Layers Plugin

The SVG Layers Plugin provides enhanced control over SVG export by allowing you to export individual layers or layer groups as separate SVG files. This is particularly useful when you need to export specific elements or create a sprite sheet from multiple layers. Install the plugin, select the desired layers, and export them individually or as a batch using the plugin’s options.

Plugin 3: SVG Code Export Plugin

For designers who prefer working with SVG code directly, the SVG Code Export Plugin is a valuable tool. It allows you to export your Photoshop layers or groups as optimized SVG code snippets. After installing the plugin, select the desired layers or groups, customize the export settings, and export the SVG code. This plugin is particularly useful for developers or designers who require precise control over the SVG code output.

Ensuring SVG Compatibility and Optimization

Exporting SVG files is not just about creating them; it is equally important to ensure compatibility and optimize the files for various platforms and devices. This section will cover essential techniques to make your exported SVGs compatible and lightweight without compromising quality.

Checking SVG Compatibility

After exporting your SVG files, it is crucial to verify their compatibility across different platforms and devices. Open the exported SVG files in various web browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, and Safari, to ensure they render correctly. Test the SVGs on different devices, such as desktops, tablets, and smartphones, to confirm their responsiveness.

Optimizing SVG File Size

Large SVG file sizes can result in slower load times and impact user experience. To optimize file size, consider the following techniques:

1. Remove unnecessary elements:

Inspect your SVG code and remove any unnecessary elements, such as hidden or redundant shapes, paths, or attributes. Simplify complex paths and shapes to reduce the number of anchor points, resulting in a smaller file size.

2. Minify SVG code:

Minifying your SVG code reduces unnecessary whitespace and optimizes the code structure, resulting in a smaller file size. Various online tools or text editors offer SVG code minification options that you can utilize.

3. Compress SVG images:

If your SVG includes raster images, consider compressing them to reduce the overall file size. Use image optimization tools or online services to compress and optimize the images without sacrificing visual quality.

Editing Exported SVG Files in Other Software

What if you need to make further modifications to your exported SVG files? Fear not! In this section, we will explore various software options that seamlessly integrate with Photoshop and allow you to edit your exported SVGs effortlessly.

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Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Illustrator is a powerful vector graphics editor that works seamlessly with SVG files. After exporting your SVG from Photoshop, you can open it directly in Illustrator to make any necessary edits or modifications. Illustrator offers a wide range of tools and features specifically designed for working with vector graphics, allowing you to refine your artwork with precision.


Inkscape is a free and open-source vector graphics editor that provides a robust set of tools for editing SVG files. It supports a wide range of SVG features and offers a user-friendly interface. Simply import your exported SVG file into Inkscape, and you can manipulate the vectors, adjust colors, add or remove elements, and more.


If you’re a Mac user, Sketch is an excellent option for editing SVG files exported from Photoshop. Sketch is a popular design tool known for its user-friendly interface and focus on web and UI design. Import your SVG file into Sketch, and you can easily edit the vectors, apply styles, and export the modified SVG back out for further use.

Troubleshooting Common SVG Export Issues

Encountering issues during SVG export is not uncommon, but fret not! This section will identify common problems and provide you with troubleshooting techniques and workarounds to overcome them, ensuring a smooth exporting experience.

Blurred or Pixelated Vectors

If your exported SVG appears blurred or pixelated, it is likely due to the use of rasterized elements or low-resolution images in your artwork. To fix this issue, ensure that all elements in your Photoshop file are vectors or high-resolution images. Avoid using raster effects or low-resolution graphics that may not scale well in the SVG format.

Missing or Incorrect Colors

If your exported SVG does not display the correct colors or certain elements appear colorless, it could be due to color mode discrepancies. Ensure that your artwork is in the RGB color mode in Photoshop before exporting to SVG. Also, check that your SVG file’s color settings are consistent with your intended design.

Unexpected Changes in Shape or Layout

If your exported SVG file appears different from your original Photoshop artwork in terms of shape or layout, it may be due to incompatible features or unsupported effects. Some Photoshop features, such as layer effects, may not translate perfectly to SVG. In such cases, manually recreate or simplify the affected elements to ensure a consistent appearance.

Exploring Advanced SVG Export Techniques

Ready to take your SVG exports to the next level? This section will introduce you to advanced techniques such as exporting SVG animations, exporting SVG sprites, and utilizing CSS properties within your SVG files, empowering you to create stunning visuals.

Exporting SVG Animations

If you have animated elements in your Photoshop artwork, you can export them as SVG animations. To do this, you will need to use animation software like Adobe Animate or After Effects. Create your animations in the respective software, export them as SVG files, and then combine them with your static artwork for a dynamic and engaging final result.

Exporting SVG Sprites

SVG sprites are a collection of SVG icons or graphics combined into a single file. Exporting SVG sprites can be useful for optimizing performance by reducing the number of HTTP requests required to load multiple SVG files. To create an SVG sprite, export each individual icon or graphic as a separate SVG file from Photoshop, and then use CSS to combine them into a single sprite file.

Utilizing CSS Properties within SVG

SVG files can be enhanced by utilizing CSS properties to control various visual aspects. This includes applying gradients, shadows, and other effects directly through CSS. By separating the styling from the SVG code, you can have more flexibility in managing and updating the design elements. Make use of CSS classes and selectors to target specific elements within your SVG and apply custom styles.

With these advanced techniques, you can elevate your SVG exports and create visually captivating graphics for your web or design projects.

In conclusion, exporting SVG files from Photoshop is a straightforward process that requires a thorough understanding of the format and careful preparation of your artwork. By following the steps outlined in this comprehensive guide, you can effortlessly export high-quality SVGs and unlock a world of possibilities for your designs. So, why wait? Start exporting SVGs from Photoshop today and elevate your creative projects to new heights!

Nathan Gelber

Your Daily Dose of Insights and Inspiration!

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